Revolutionizing Digital Credentials in Canada: The MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ Success Story

Case Study


DCC Inc. played a pivotal role in the creation and implementation of the MyCreds™|MesCertif™ National Network, a groundbreaking digital credential exchange platform designed to support post-secondary institutions across Canada. The project was initiated in response to the need for a centralized, secure and accessible system that enables learners to manage and share their academic credentials digitally, both nationally and internationally. It was created in part of solve document fraud and to create efficiencies for document and credential management for colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes. DCC Inc.’s president, Joanne Duklas, is one of the co-founders, and served first as a volunteer and later as the network’s chief lead implementer and executive lead from 2017 to 2024, winning a national RFP call.


Working in partnership with the Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC) and its service partners, the team at DCC Inc. led the development of the project from its inception, providing overall program management and stewardship. The DCC Inc. team created the entire governance infrastructure, policies, procedures and membership. DCC Inc. was further responsible for developing and delivering the entire branding, communications and creative multi-year strategy for the network from early days through build, and beyond launch to full scale operations. This included the visual identity, messaging and positioning that underpins all of the MyCreds™|MesCertif™ communications and marketing materials.


Under Joanne’s leadership, MyCreds™|MesCertif™ went from an idea to a national, multi-million dollar organization. It now supports close to 2M learners with governments, institutions and allied associations and organizations participating.

MyCreds™|MesCertif™ won an international award for advancing student mobility from PESC. Joanne Duklas also won an international award for her work on MyCreds™|MesCertif™ and her contributions to the digitization ecosystem from both the Netherlands based GDN Network and the American based PESC.

Starting in January 2024, DCC Inc. supported the transition and training of a full-time team to run the network.

Formally known as the “ARUCC Groningen and Student Mobility Project”, this effort takes its inspiration from an international organization dedicated to efforts such as these called the GDN Network. DCC Inc. is proud to be a signatory to the GDN principles which emphasize the importance of supporting student mobility and global citizenry.


Read more about our successful projects here.