The Groningen Declaration Network (GDN) is an international, non-profit and voluntary network that supports academic and professional digital credential mobility.
In 2021, the DCC Inc. team supported the GDN to develop the new GDN T.R.U.S.T. Hub, an interactive map and system to showcase the Signatories of the GDN and official credential depositories and verification entities around the world that are in place to support learner success. In 2018, Joanne created the GDN I.D.E.A. Hub, a fully integrated workflow system to support the curation and approval process of innovative international initiatives focused on student data and credential exchange. Both projects result from DCC Inc.’s support of the international Groningen Declaration Network. Duklas Cornerstone Consulting Inc. is proud to be a signatory to the GDN principles which emphasize the importance of supporting student mobility and global citizenry.
The MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ National Network also took inspiration from the GDN. The virtual learner wallet represents an example of how ARUCC and Canadian colleges, institutes and universities are committed to ensuring official and secure document exchange and adhering to the GDN principles, which emphasize, “Citizens worldwide should be able to consult and share their authentic educational data with whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever.”